Analisis Ekonomi Pemanfaatan Tanah Ulayat Dalam Usaha Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit
This study examine concern about Economics analyze on beneficial Tanah Ulayat on carm Plam oil farm On states legality of Agrarian constitution, gave a recognize of Tanah ulayat existential as owned of traditional community so the or regulation and coordination must be involve of Nagari (traditional) community. Cooperatives model is a relationship between local society with capital owners (investors). There is phenomena, this model create problems, where economic externality and social damage and environment farming. There’s as change of land owners specially tanah ulayat turn to Erpacth right (hak guna usaha) for company, that would make economic disparity, un fairly on change distribution, to get plasma and in order to chouse the people that have right and not.
The goal
The goal of this study is to analyze effectiveness rate between plasma and cooperatives model with individual farm model, analyzing comparative net income of plasma/cooperatives farmers with individual farmers in order tanah ulayat. This research was done with case study in Nagari Lingkung Aur Kecamatan Pasaman, Pasaman (Barat). Population of the this research is the family of carm palm oil farmer. And sample is taken randomly approach. The data then was confirm to secondary source, that came from KUD direction Officer, nagari Government and key person from adat leader. Research result show that there is significant differences between net income that plasma/cooperatives members farmers is higher get net income if we compare it with individual farmer and also plasma/cooperatives model gave many economic beneficial to the former and gave positive effect to nagari economy. So research give recommendation, that we have increasing this sector by using plasma/cooperatives model, facility by government and good condition on the nagari, the government have to work harder make the legal formal own of the land after contracts was end to traditional society that joined on cooperatives and society understanding to group business in cooperative form.
Analisis Ekonomi Pemanfaatan Tanah Ulayat Dalam Usaha Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit

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4.5 | Reviewer: Unknown | ItemReviewed: Analisis Ekonomi Pemanfaatan Tanah Ulayat Dalam Usaha Perkebunan Kelapa Sawit