A. THE LIMITATION OF THE TITLE The Influence Of The Ability In Mastering Dialogue On The Achievement In Learning English To The Second Year Students At M.A.N. Magelang
In avoiding the readers' misunderstanding, the writer would like to give the limitation of the title It is of course that in giving the limitation of the title is not at wholly. From the thesis entitled " The Influence of the Ability in Mastering Dialogue on the Achievement in Learning English to the Second Year Students at M A N Magelang ", the writer just wants to explain some terms related to the title. Especially those are becoming key words. They are : Influence, Ability, Mastering Dialogue, Achievement, Learning Eng lish, and MAN Magelang.
Influence : It is a noncountable noun. It means power to affect sb’s character, beliefs, or actions through example, fear, admiration, etc. According to Professor Sir Randolph Quirk in his dictionary entitled 'Longman Dictionary of Contemporary English' N.Edn., the word Influence means the power to have an effect on someone or something without the-use of direct force or command . In this thesis the influence shows the relation between the ability in mastering dialogue and the achievement in learning English.
The Ability in Mastering Dialogue :
Ability (noun) means power to perform ; skill ,to achieve; capability for carrying out; capacity to device retain, or make use of; phisical or moral strength; talents or gifts; in a special or general degree; wealth, means And also according to Professor Sir Randolph Quirk, the word 'ability' (C/U noun ) means the fact of having the skill, power or other qualities that are needed to do something . Mastering is a gerund form of master or to master ( to inf. ) Master ( v ) means to learn thoroughly or gain a lot of skill in . Dialogue ( noun ) means ( a ) written conversation inna book or play . According to A S Hornby, dialogue means ( writing in the form of a ) conversation or talk.
In this thesis ‘the ability in mastering dialogue means, in the writer's opinian, the students' ability in mastering the English dialogues either in their text-books or in other books or even on their tests in the written form. The word students, as we have already mentioned above, refers to the second year students at Madrasah Aliyah Negeri ( MAN ) Magelang.
Achievement : The word 'achievement' is a noun (C/U) Achievement ( U ) means the successful finishing or gaining of something. Whereas the word achievement as non countable noun means something success fully finished or gained, especially through skill or hard work.
Learning English : in the writer's opinion, how is the students' score condition in learn¬ing English, especially on the final test of the fourth semester. It is a compound word coming from 'Learning' and 'English'. Learning is the gerund form of to learn (to inf.) having meaning to acquire knowledge of; fixed in the mind (vt), to gain or receive knowledge or skill (Vi.).
As a matter of fact, the word English has so many meanings. In this thesis, English means : 1) The language of Britain, the U S, Australia, etc. , 2) English language and literature as a subject of study. In the writer's opinion the word English means the language of Britain, the US, Australia which is learnt by Indonesian learners as a subject of study. Learn ing English means the process in learn, ing English of the second year students at M A N Magelang.
Madrasah Aliyah Negeri (MAN) Magelang :
There are two Islamic Senior High Schools lay in Kotamadia Magelang. , They are MAN whic is located on Jl. Perum Korpri Ngembik Kotamadia Magelang first, and MAN which is lied on Jl. Sunan Bonang 17, P 0 BOX 42 Phone 2928 Kodia Magelang. In getting the data of this thesis, the writer had researched MAN which is lied on Jl. Sunan Bonang the 17th Kodia Magelang, or it is usually called M A N ex :P G A N Magelang.
After giving explanation of each term, the meaning of the title ' The Influence of the Ability in Mastering Dialogue on the Achievement in Learning English to the Second Year Students at M A N Magelang is an investigation to show the relationship between the ability in mastering dialogue, in the written form, and the result of the final score of English subject. In this case the writer investigated to the second year students of A.1, A.3, and A.4 Programs.
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